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Home > King's ransom in a sentence

King's ransom in a sentence

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Sentence count:13Posted:2018-08-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: a king's ransomprice-to-earnings ratioransomtransomransomedransom moneyransackinghansomMeaning: n. a very large treasure. 
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1. That diamond necklace must have cost a king's ransom.
2. That painting must be worth a king's ransom.
3. A king's ransom in a leather belt.
4. It wouldn't matter if you'd been promised a king's ransom if you achieved a lucky jump to the scorpion.
5. Her diamond necklace must have cost a king's ransom.
6. The painting was sold for a king's ransom.
7. They paid a king's ransom for the painting.
8. SOD . Truffles cost a king's ransom.
9. A king's ransom would hardly have procured all that my daughters asked for.
10. A King's ransom would hardly have procured all that my other daughters asked for.
11. But sometimes I want to be pampered like royalty - without having to pay a king's ransom.
12. An emerald of that size, unflawed,( would be worth a king's ransom.
13. I bought a leg of lamb in the supermarket and it cost a king's ransom.
More similar words: a king's ransomprice-to-earnings ratioransomtransomransomedransom moneyransackinghansommeans of transportationby some means or othertransonictransaction processing systemtransoceanicKingsmakingstakingskingshippickingsking-sizebookingsworkingsking-sizedbaking sodapacking slipcooking stoveparking spacewalking stickworking spacedrinking strawbanking system
Total 13, 30 Per page  1/1 
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